Newquay, Cornwall’s surf & holiday capital is home to an excellent Male Voice Choir. The Choir has over 40 members who come from all walks of life and are united by a love of singing which takes place in a wide range of venues. In recent years, the choir has performed in chapels, churches, preaching pits, schools and cathedrals and have entertained in pubs, clubs, marquees, hotels and conference centres.
We hope that you can find all the information that you require about our Male Voice Choir which has its home in Cornwall’s premier holiday resort boasting “the finest coastline and beaches in Europe”.
The choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 7.00pm at St Michael’s Church, Marcus Hill, Newquay. No previous singing experience necessary. All newcomers welcome.
For details of our new CD ‘On the Crest of a Wave’, please see our Products page.